Refurbishment, Modernization of Crane Systems at 65 MW Hydropower Plant Nangbeto, Togo

In 2019, the refurbishment and modernization of the 65 MW Nangbeto hydropower plant in Togo began.
The Nangbeto power plant has been supplying electricity to Benin and Togo for 35 years.
As part of the refurbishment, CEC has been commissioned by a German plant engineering company to refurbish the crane systems.
In December 2019 the refurbishment and recommissioning of the first of a total of 5 crane systems (gantry crane 140/15t x 15m) was successfully completed.
The refurbishment of the other cranes will be continued in 2020. 

Generatorhub von der Turbine

Haupt Portalkran 140/15t x 15m

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