
Factory Acceptance Test for fixed Winch container scrap (Primetals Germany)

FAT at our manufacturer Metalna/ MARIBOR was carried out by our customer Primetals Germany GmbH. The Winch System will soon carry out its work transporting scrap at a steel mill in Bangladesh. Technical Data Technische Daten: Track of the car Height 29,5m Travelling distance 38,0m Angle 38° Weight to be lifted Car, dear load 31,5t Scrap Container, dead load 31,5t Scrap Container, live load 31,0t = 100,0t Energy chain 3,0t Safety margin 3,0t Time Length of the trip (one way) Up max. 80 sec. Length of the trip (one way) Down max. 80 sec.

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Handover of torpedo car 29

The new torpedo car was handed over to the blast furnace operation at a ceremony held at the voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH plant. The torpedo car is used to transport the molten pig iron produced in the blast furnace to the steelworks without any loss of heat. The project began with the award of the contract by voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH to CEC GmbH in April 2017. Less than a year later, manufacture of the vehicle was complete. It was dispatched from the production plant on 30 January 2018 and arrived at the steelworks in Donawitz at 8.20 a.m. on 06.02.2018.

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red hot training at CEC-Cranes in Freystadt

On 22.05.2017, the staff of CEC-Cranes underwent this training at the Freystadt business park. Training organisers Thomas Pietsch and Johannes Kastner with active support from the Freystadt volunteer fire brigade delivered a comprehensive programme of emergency training. Other fire-fighter colleagues arrived in two emergency vehicles in order to make the drill as realistic as possible. Participants were shown the different categories of fire and the appropriate types of extinguisher for these and were able to practise using them on burning items. The training also focused on rescuing people from the upper storeys of buildings and, of course, on fire prevention.

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Support of the "Trösterteddy" (comforting teddy) campaign

With the help of the company CEC-Cranes 1,500€ could be collected and donated to the initiative ”ein Kinderlachen schenken“ from the childrens‘ aid Eckental.The employees of the CEC GmbH drawed services from a lottery pot and auctioned them, for example lawn mowing, window cleaning and babysitting. Furthermore CEC-Cranes drawed presents from suppliers and cooperation partners in a raffle to the employees.Therefore a clown gig for the long-term patients in the hospital Nuremberg South can be organized. Also numerous teddy bears for children in the hospital Neumarkt i.d.Opf can be delivered.

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