Slab Handling Cranes

The slab crane fulfils a variety of tasks in the continuous casting technology. It can be used for operating the cooling bed, or it can serve as a transport, loading and slab turning crane. The traverses of the slab cranes are equipped with hydraulic or mechanical tongs.

Slab Handling Crane with mech. Slab Tong
50 / 10t x 28m

Slab Handling Crane
25 + 25 / 10t x 33m

The Temperature of Slab Tong up to 700 °C
of Slab Handling Crane
25 + 25 / 10t x 33m

Mechanical Slab Tong of Slab Handling Crane
25 + 25 / 10t x 33m

Trolley Assembled in Workshop in Freystadt of Slab Handling Crane
25 +  25 / 10t x 35,5m

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